All-In Puppies - so very exciting!
We strive to pair each puppy with the best possible family whose members are committed to their new canine family member for his/her life. The Puppy Questionnaire (found under the Puppy tab) has questions to help us ascertain your expectations and hopes for your future with your new puppy. The more we know you, the better job we can do!
Please do your research on Great Danes, there are many website links posted on the links tab. Familiarize yourself with the size of adult danes, the feeding amounts, etc. so you know if you have the space, the financial means and time for one of these exceptional creatures. A fenced home is preferred and a great dane should live within your home as a member of our family. Your dane will give you endless love in return!
If for any reason a buyer/new family can no longer keep their All-In Dane puppy, the puppy/dog MUST be returned to us so that we can ensure they find a suitable replacement home. This condition is included in the Purchase Contract.
Puppies are sold with Limited AKC registration to approved forever homes as companions/pets which a spay/neuter contract in place as set forth in the purchase contract. Under a limited registration, your new pup will be able to compete in agility, obedience classes and other AKC events. This is a great way for you and your new puppy to strengthen your bond and provide great fun for each of you. You would not be able to compete in Conformation shows which evaluate the overall compliance with the breed standard for future breeding purposes. It is for this reason, spay/neuter puppies/animals are not allowed to participate in these events.
Exceptions would be made for certain puppies/home who already participate in AKC conformation events and understand all that entails or homes which understand and agree to undertake the additional responsibility of preparing and exhibiting in conformation events. The puppy would need to meet specific AKC breed standards and potential to succeed in a future show career. Consideration and approval must also be given by the terms of the Stud agreement with the owner of the sire. The stud owner always reserved the right to approve a show home. Remember, without them, we would not have our fabulous puppies.
Going Home
Your puppy will be ready to come home at the age of 8 weeks old. Puppies will go to their Forever Homes with the following:
- AKC registration paperwork,
- Puppy contract
- Micro-chipped
- Florida Health Certificate – cannot be obtained until puppies are 8 weeks
- Medical records showing worming and compliance with vaccinations
- Collar & leash
- Toy(s)
- Blanket that smells like Mommy
- Initial supply of food – it is important not to switch brands to quickly – you will know what foods your puppy is eating and be able to prepare for his/her arrival
Transportation and all other shipping necessities (cost of air kennel, water bowl, bedding are NOT included in the cost of your puppy. Transport expenses must be paid in full by the time your puppy is 6 weeks old. Transportation costs vary depending on the location of the forever home and the method of transport. We will discuss the best method of transport with each home.
You are always welcome to come to our home to pick up your puppy, we would love to meet you!
Whether or not to crop is entirely up to the puppy buyer and solely at their expense. It is a matter of personal opinion, we have no preference whether you should crop your new pup. Should you wish to crop, please research the care required. Cropping requires consistent taping and dressing of ears depending on each dog. While some ears stand sooner, it can take a year or longer for dane ears to stand fully erect. It is important to follow-through on the taping until they stand. You may be able to locate a vet in your area who can tape for your if you are not confident in your taping skills.
You may use your own vet to perform the cropping or we can have them cropped for you keep in mind that cropping is best done at 7 -8 weeks and you will not have your puppy until after he/she is 8 weeks. In some scenarios, cropping may be done later but it gets more difficult with age. Some vets will not perform the cropping after a certain age. Cropping is an art and skilled croppers are in high demand and may have lengthy waiting lists for weeks or months and should be prepared for well in advance. We cannot guarantee the results of ear cropping as much of the result is from the follow through with taping/dressing. The balance of Puppy purchase price (due at 5 weeks) and cropping fees must be paid in full prior to the procedure and there are no refunds if you change your mind after the puppy has been cropped.
There is an increasing level of concern regarding unnecessary vaccinations and I strongly encourage you to research the topic BEFORE vaccinating your puppy (see the Critter Advocacy link on our "Links" page). The idea of vaccination is innocent enough: introduce a young dog's body to a disease in a controlled way in order to initiate immunity to that particular disease without the dog actually ever contracting the disease. However, popular vaccination protocols involve bombarding a young puppy's immune system with numerous antigens to many different diseases simultaneously and very frequently (often 3 or four times before the age of 4 months!). Contrary to popular belief, vaccines can be extremely dangerous and are not necessarily effective against the disease they aim to immunize against. Repetitive booster shots are almost always unnecessary as a lot of research has shown initial vaccines to be effective for a minimum of 7 years, if not for life. But despite the risks, it is sometimes necessary to vaccinate against particular diseases depending on your specific situation. Here are some recommended guidelines regarding vaccinations:
1) Never vaccinate against multiple diseases simultaneously (ie 5-way or 7-way combos).
2) Do not vaccinate prior to 8 weeks of age. Antibodies passed from the mother will almost always protect the puppy and may actually inhibit the puppy's own immune system from developing immunity if vaccinated too early.
3) Determine which vaccines are absolutely necessary. Prevalence of different diseases (and hence your puppy's risk) vary significantly depending on location, climate, and social factors. Talk to your local vet about any particular disease outbreaks in your area to help gauge your puppy's risk.
4) Once you determine which diseases you feel that you absolutely MUST vaccinate against - plan out your vaccination schedule to allow adequate time for your puppy's immune system to recover between vaccinations. We recommend 3 or 4 weeks between vaccinations.
5) NEVER vaccinate a sick or unhealthy puppy. Be sure that your puppy is in full health prior to administering any vaccine.
All-In Danes puppies will be vaccinated against Parvo and Distemper at 8 weeks of age, prior to going to their Forever Home. Boosters should be given at 12 and 16 weeks. At 1 year, we recommend doing a titer (simple blood test) to check for immunity to the initial vaccinations. If immunity is high, there is no need to vaccinate again. If it is low, a repeated vaccination may be necessary.
In Brevard County the law requires breeders to vaccinate all puppies for parvo, parainfluenza, hepatitis, bordetella, distemper, and leptospirosis prior to sale. Typically, Forever Homes want to receive their puppy as soon as possible which is 8 weeks old in the state of Florida. To vaccinate against all of these diseases by 8 weeks of age can be detrimental to the health of a puppy and has resulted in death in some cases (not in our experience). For this reason, I leave this decision up to you, the Buyer. Because it is the law, if you do prefer that your puppy receive all of these vaccinations then I will accommodate you, provided you notify me in writing to do so prior to release of the puppy. Please be aware that this will void your health guarantee.
Rabies vaccination is required by law in Brevard County by the age of 4 months, though I recommend waiting as long as the law in your area allows.
Also, your puppy will be periodically dewormed (typically every 2 weeks) and will be verified to be parasite-free via fecal tests at health certification.
All-In Danes accepts cash, check, money order and Paypay for deposits, cropping and/or shipping expenses. If paying by check, the check must be received in time to clear prior to cropping or shipping.
If for any reason, if you are not able to care for your All-In Danes puppy/dog for the entirety of his/her life. You are required per contract to return him/her to All-In Danes at buyer’s expense. You are forbidden to sell or rehome your puppy/dog and such action would be considered a breach of contract. We are committed to ensuring our puppies/dogs have the best possible homes/families. If you have a family member or friend who would like to take over the care/responsibility for your dane, we would consider but only with full disclosure and evaluation of said home by All-In Danes and transfer of contract. Any such approval must be considered in advance, possession/custodianship of the puppy/dog may not be transferred without written consent of All-In Danes